Fakat ISO 27001 belgesi ile sitelerini ve uygulamalar?n? garanti ?e?na alan firmalar marka bile?erlerini ve i? süreklili?ini korumay? ba?ar?rlar.i? vasat?n?zdaki riski azaltman?za ve çaldatma??ma çevresindeki riskleri ortadan kald?rman?za yard?mc? mümkün.?ç Tetkik Konstrüksiyonn: ISO belgesi almak isteyen meseleletmeler, alakadar ISO standar… Read More

In contrast, minor non-conformities may undermine the effectiveness of the ISMS or have a minor impact on the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard but don’t prevent it from achieving its goals or meeting the key requirements of the ISO 27001 standard.Again, your auditor will note any nonconformities and opportunities for improvement based on th… Read More